Bowdy's 1BeerBlog #22: No Shave November 5 & 6!
Skin Cancer, The 1st Bathroom Stall, & Tom Hanks, Oh My!
I missed yesterday, so you get both days in one post… 2X the fun!
Men’s Health Issue of the Day: Skin Cancer
Comparatively, men just don’t take the same precautions against the sun as the smarter gender does. As a result, men have higher rates of skin cancer and usually experience worse outcomes after diagnosis.
What to avoid skin cancer?
Cover your skin with clothing when possible
Use sunscreen whenever you will be in the sun for any reasonable amount of time
Visit your dermatologist for a full-body skin exam. Don’t have a dermatologist? Ask your partner for the name of theirs.
No Shave November Health Tip: Pick the 1st Bathroom Stall
Use the Bathroom Stall Nearest to the Door - Everyone passes it by because it is close to the door. As a result, not only does it have fewer germs, it has more toilet paper.
NSN Best Movie Beards:
The 'Gnarly Mess'
Man behind the beard: Tom Hanks
Film: Castaway (2000)
Bowdy’s Bearded Bravado - Day 6:
The stubble is heavy now. And it is also showing grey really quickly. No real issues with itchiness yet, but its coming… oh, its coming!
NSN Beard Idea:
Try out “The Klingon!”
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